
You Gotta Be Fuckin’ Kidney

Uncle AndrewUncle Andrew
Filed under: @ 10:10 am

Okay, so I got the semi-peri-penultimate diagnosis from my nephrologist this morning.

And the winner is….

Diabetic Nephropathy!

Yes, the diagnosis that simply could not be the case, is! The doc is consulting with a specialist up at the University of Washington just to be super-extra-sure, but he really doesn’t have any doubts at this point.

Overall, this could be a lot worse. At least it isn’t cancer or some truly bizarre exotic autotimmune disorder. It does bring up the question of how I came to have a condition which is a symptom of uncontrolled diabetes when a) my diabetes is extremely well controlled, and b) I don’t have any of the other symptoms of uncontrolled diabetes. My doctor’s best theory at the moment is that the symptoms I’m experiencing now are the culmination of damage incurred before I was diagnosed, which kind of makes sense.

Pending any remarkable findings by the specialist at The Dub (tiny demons living in my kidneys, some sort of gypsy curse, whathaveyou) my treatment regimen won’t change appreciably. Everything I’m doing to manage my diabetes—sugar control, blood pressure control—is helping my kidneys as well. I will probably consult with a dietician specializing in renal health, and continue to (ahem) have the piss monitored out of me.

This news comes as a relief. It also came at an amazingly portentous moment, as our friend Scot got the call this morning from his hospital and is even now in final testing and prep to receive a much-needed kidney transplant. Everyone please take a moment to think some good thoughts for him. Break a leg, Scot! But go easy on the abdominal cavity. 🙂

5 Responses to “You Gotta Be Fuckin’ Kidney”

  1. Scot Says:

    Thanks for the good thoughts, but unfortunately the donor’s kidneys were found to be unusable. Oh well, maybe next time.

  2. YakBoy Says:

    “I will probably consult with a dietician specializing in renal health, and continue to (ahem) have the piss monitored out of me.”

    ahem indeed.

    Glad this turned out to be in the not-as-bad-as-it-could-have-been category.

  3. YakBoy Says:

    also, phooey, I can’t seem to post and image in your comments section, so here is the image that was supposed to go with that comment –


  4. Uncle Andrew Says:

    Thanks for the good thoughts, but unfortunately the donor’s kidneys were found to be unusable. Oh well, maybe next time.

    Ahh, hamburgers. Sorry about that. 😕


    Oh, that’s cute. 😆

    Let me try, just for fun….


  5. Uncle Andrew Says:

    Huh. Worked for me. I’ll look into that. I seem to remember having the same problem on your blog at one point….

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