Post-Immolation Highlight Reel
Uncle AndrewFor everyone who came and helped make this year’s July 4th Barbecue a smashing, flaming, kaBOOMing success, thank you one and all. Along with a cavalcade of burgers, bratwurst, beer and a lot of good company, we enjoyed a veritable inferno of quasi-legal firework fun. The grand finale was a 500-gram, 180-shot cake called The Peacock. A great time appeared to be had by all. π
For everyone else, here’s a quick clip show of the burnier bits of the evening’s festivities (Requires Apple’s QuickTime to view).
5 Responses to “Post-Immolation Highlight Reel”
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July 8th, 2008 at 5:55 pm
Video no workie.
July 8th, 2008 at 6:19 pm
Meaning what, exactly? Do you get a 404? Does the video load but not play? Does it appear to be corrupted?
It’s just a plain ol’ QuickTime movie with H.264 compression, nothing particularly exotic. I just watched it in its entirety on my MacBook via Safari and FireFox 3, which I have never used to view this movie before, so it’s not cached or anything.
I also just successfully downloaded the movie to a PC at work using FireFox, so it’s not a LAN-versus-WAN question either.
July 8th, 2008 at 6:26 pm
Hey Gav: off topic, Skip Pennington just died. π
July 9th, 2008 at 5:23 pm
Seems to work now, must have been a really slow download for some reason.
As for Skip, I am surprised by how saddened I am by that. That’s really a bummer.
July 9th, 2008 at 9:30 pm
Well, since you’re coming in over my civilian DSL line, which is shared with up to five other computers, I’m not horribly surprised.
Me too, Man, me too. I can hardly fault they guy for being something of a hardass with a bunch of hormone-crazed teenagers to watch over. Now when Healy goes, I may actually savor a little smile….
On that topic: did I ever tell you that our former housemate’s brother married one of Win’s daughters? Got to see pictures of him at the wedding ceremony. He was looking quite old and frail, which made me feel all sunny inside. Which probably means I’m a USDA-Certified Rat Bastard, but oh well; to thine own self be true. π