Another Brain Tickler
Uncle AndrewCan anyone help me to understand how a Rocklin, California cable Internet customer got to this picture on our blog
From a Google Image Search for the phrase, “Bear tripping over a car“?
Bad, baaad search algorithm, no biscuit!
UPDATE: I got another hit for this same Google Image Search from a computer in Bremerton, Washington, at about 7 this morning. WTAlmightyF?
This happens, occasionally: some new topic or meme will bubble up out of the rich primordial soup of the collective Web-mind, and bizarre, seemingly inexplicable requests will start washing up on the shores of Uncle Andrew dot Net. More often than not the tide will quickly turn and the hits will stop coming, usually before I am able to figure out just what the hell made all these people come looking for whatever it was they were looking for in the first place.
Frankly, while curious, I’m too lazy to put in the requisite effort to uncover the original source. The truth is not only out there; it’s doubtless more than a little Out There. Best to just leave it alone.
2 Responses to “Another Brain Tickler”
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July 3rd, 2008 at 4:54 pm
I think it’s perfectly clear…obviously, that’s a shot of a garage with a large hole in it. The Bear’s curiousity was aroused by the presence of a very small car in the hole. He/she bent over, looked in, and tripped over an antenna, just below the surface of the hole (not visible in this picture). Happens frequently with nosy animals like bears.
July 3rd, 2008 at 11:08 pm
The real problem with all that, Dad, is that it makes more sense than any explanation I came up with. 😕