
Some things Are Too True To Be Funny

Uncle AndrewUncle Andrew
Filed under: @ 10:40 am

….This, however, is just true enough to be hysterical. This has been making the rounds, and if you haven’t seen it, you simply must (QuickTime format).

[quicktime width=”428″ height=”257″]http://www.uncle-andrew.net/blog/movies/wake-up.mov[/quicktime]

Here’s a Windows Media version if you prefer.

3 Responses to “Some things Are Too True To Be Funny”

  1. Dalek Says:

    *wiping tears of laughter out of my eyes* Hysterical, all right. Fisherbear and I were both rolling with laughter. Of course it was even funnier because Jacques (who was sitting on my lap) started contributing his own meows in response to the video… I could just hear him coaching the animated kitty on better tactics to try and cheering him on. :mrgreen:

  2. Uncle Andrew Says:

    The cat pointing to his mouth while meowing is just the piece de resistance for me. 😆

  3. Some one special Says:

    this was absolutely hilarious i couldn’t stop laughing. I have referred my friends to come and take a look

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