Stand By….

Things have been a bit hectic because my parents have been in town for a brief stay, so I haven’t been posting. Probably won’t get around to putting another one up until after Friday, when they’re gone and the Fall catalog for FP is finally and irrevocably out the door. So here, in the stead of actual content, is a really cute Scottish Toyota commercial my brother forwarded to me (QuickTime format).
7 Responses to “Stand By….”
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September 20th, 2007 at 1:32 pm
im glad you liked it how was m&d??? what the heck is going on with yer
knee??? kinda weird how we both ended up with f —-d up parts
knees arms shoulders geeze will it ever stop 🙂 it rained this morning
first time in about 10 months and some more is on the way
but should be mostly gone by the time i head up to hollywood for this
months tattoo installment we start the dragon on my left leg that goes
from ankle to rib cage ahhhhhhh cant wait will of course send pics
take care see u soon david
September 20th, 2007 at 1:36 pm
you know sometimes i really do believe i have lost my mind
the new tattoo will of course be on my right leg as the left 1 if full
of tiger did i send you a pic of it colored in????
o well i did get a call from a freind of mine that is in the looney bin
that was kinda fun shall i give him your number 🙂 j/k
bye for now
September 20th, 2007 at 2:34 pm
Mom and Dad had a blast. They stayed with Margaret’s parents east of the Lake, and everyone had a great time. We went to the Pike pLace Market, the Tacoma Museum of Glass and to a few posh dinner spots. Leftovers for days! 😉
Not my knee, goon, Margaret’s knee. She injured it during the Breast Cancer 3-Day.
September 23rd, 2007 at 9:49 am
i realized it was margrets knee afer the fact sometimes i have this horrible habit of not actually reading what im looking at
add i think friday was a crappy day getting yelled at my boss not once but twice asshole had a good tattoo session yesterday
got alot of ouline of dragon done am a little sore today gotta tell ya the knee and the shin are some tough areas the rest is tollerable
i had a fentenal lolly pop from my freind in new york arived next day sat delievery was very helpfull i guess im not as tough as i was
15 years ago when i was first tattooed of course it was in much less sensitive areas as well and the tattoos we are lot smaller then
o well i was telling greg james i almost felt guilty for useing something for pain but he understands
and isnt weird about it whatever get me through it he says he is about the nicest person you will ever meet is verry famous for his work
but dosent have the attitude that can go with with i sent you some pics any way heading to cosco please tell margret sorry bout her knee
are the folks going to see you on the way home?????? david
September 23rd, 2007 at 9:50 am im so retarded sometimes
September 23rd, 2007 at 9:52 am see told ya
September 24th, 2007 at 10:46 am
I liked the butterflies across the woman’s back. But the Asian-themed tats on those guys with the crashing waves coming out of the cleft of their ass just crack me up.