
Bad Genetic Combinations

Uncle AndrewUncle Andrew
Filed under: @ 3:30 pm

Off-topic for this post, I have added some more goodies to my site, namely weather updates for various locales of significance to me. They live along the left side of the page, after all the other gunk. They may cause a slight slowdown for some visitors, but as I have said before, I put this thing up in the first place for my enjoyment, not yours. 😉

I’ve had this thought bouncing around in my head for a while, but didn’t have a great venue for taking it public until now.

Can you imagine what would happen if two of the scariest mouths of our time:

Aerosmith’s Steven Tyler

Steven Tyler

And Carly Simon

Carly Simon

were to have a child?

The unfortunate offspring would probably look something like this:

Littly Jimmy Tyler-Simon
Artist’s Rendering

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