
Odd Todd Makes It Big!

Uncle AndrewUncle Andrew
Filed under: @ 1:27 pm

I was turned on to this by one of my sisters (Thanks Meg!). Odd Todd, one of my very favorite Flash authors, apparently got hisself a mainstream gig. He did some content for a story on Social Security presented on ABC’s World News Tonight on January 11.

Go here to see the piece. You need Windows Media Player to watch it. It probably won’t work with the Macintosh version of WMP, due to that verdammt WMV3 format. Sorry! 🙁

Odd Todd taught himself Flash after being fired from his dotcom-turned-dotgone job, threw up a Web site to display his work (mostly on the subject of being unemployed), put a virtual tip jar on the site, and the rest is history. I don’t know how much he makes from his site these days (even I gave him five bucks), but at one point in time he was apparently pulling in thousands of dollars a month. It’s the American Dream, with a piquant Slacker twist.

Personally, I love the idea of Odd Todd going all frufru on us. I hope he gets lots of work out of this. Hell, maybe he can get some ad work, on either end of the lens. (“Odd Todd, for the American Express Card!“) Like the Crocodile Hunter doing commercials for Pentax cameras, I think he ought to make the most of his popularity while the makin’s good.

More power to you, Man!

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