
Irony Supplement, Part 14

Uncle AndrewUncle Andrew
Filed under: @ 8:28 am

Mahalo Nui Loa to my coworker Steve for lending me his copy of the April edition of US News & World Report:

Irony Supplement, Part 14

Like Steve, I just love the happy congruence of themes between the front cover and the back. Exceptionally ironic is the fact that the back cover addresses one of America’s other major addictions, possibly even more pernicious than stimulants: credit. Of course, the ad on the back is peddling the addiction in question rather than decrying it. Perhaps the editors at USN&WR felt that this added balance to the outer shell of the magazine as a whole. 😛

2 Responses to “Irony Supplement, Part 14”

  1. Dalek Says:

    BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! As someone who works at a company where we not only have free coffee machines on every floor and free soda on every floor (most popular flavor: tie between Coke and Mountain Dew), but a latte stand (not free) in the cafeteria that has a Red Bull advert/wheelie next to it, I’m highly amused. Also somewhat frightened, but probably too wired to be really freaked. 😉

  2. Uncle Andrew Says:

    To my mind, the best part of your observation would be the unspoken one; your company probably also makes up the single highest concentration of Gold, Platinum, Molybdenum and Mithril American Express, Visa and Master Cards to be found in the greater Northwest, certainly the Puget Sound region. though I imagine that most if not all of you are both responsible and liquid enough to pay your balances off before the end of the month 🙂

    Say, I bet an Amex or Visa Mithril Card would just kill in an already-crowded credit product market…. 💡

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