Uncle AndrewMahalo Nui Loa to my friend SurfBum for sending this snapshot from the Frankfurt Airport:
He sent it as an attachment to an email entitled, “Frankfurt Airport Should Switch To Mac”. Indeed. Hope their Air Traffic Control system ain’t running on XP as well. 😆
4 Responses to “Yow….Embarrassing.”
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May 22nd, 2007 at 11:13 am
Dude, that’s a Java shim error message, not anything wrong with the Windows OS in question per se. And to remind you, Java is an object-oriented applications programming language developed by Sun Microsystems in the early 1990s. While there’s lots of legit reasons to slam on MS OSes, the sloppy Java programming on display there ain’t one of them. If you can’t play nicely with the stack, you shouldn’t be programming for any airport on any OS, period. 😛 😉
May 22nd, 2007 at 12:51 pm
Arrghhhh…..a touch, I doth confess it! I fear I breathe my last….
May 22nd, 2007 at 5:35 pm
Dude, I’ve BEEN in that airport, not once but several times, and I can tell you….nothing would surprize me about it! For several years, Frankfurt was high on my list of Airports from Hell. However, while passing through in October 2006, we accidently stumbled upon a “special services facility” operated by Lufthansa. The folks there were really wonderfully helpful to Crips such as moi, and I can contemplate returning to Frankfurt with something less than terror in my heart. On the other hand, I wouldn’t want to have to depend upon the Flight Info boards if I had to be somewhere at a given time…
May 22nd, 2007 at 8:27 pm
Gotta be careful there, Dad; some of those special services kiosks are run by Bloods. They’d bust a cap in your ass if they knew you were flying the wrong colors. 😮