
Moose Bites Can Be Very Painful…..

Filed under: @ 7:58 pm

No really!

I was out in the garden picking tomatoes the other day. Honestly there hasn’t been much I’ve done in the garden over the last six weeks that hasn’t involved picking tomatoes in some way.

Anyway, tricked out for high powered tomato picking. Shorts, flip flops, a grubby garden t-shirt. Happily picking away at the Tiger Like tomatoes when I felt something sharp stab the top of my right foot. Hard. Felt like someone had taken a tack and jabbed it into me.

I looked down to find out what the hell was going on and saw on top of my foot, gnashing its mighty fangs……..

A daddy long legs.

Now leave alone the question of why the multi-legged little bastard decided to bite me. I wasn’t doing anything to him, I wasn’t even disturbing the spider webs that have been strung in and amongst the tomatoes. I have no idea why he was biting me.
What really rankles is that I’ve been bitten by a lot of creatures in my life and now I get to add to that list the arachnid equivalent of a dust bunny.

And it itches like fury!

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