
Holiday Traffic

Uncle AndrewUncle Andrew
Filed under: @ 8:47 am

Today’s Dork Tower perfectly sums up how I feel about traveling the highways and byways of our great nation on or around a national holiday. I’ve been traumatized ever since the day Margaret and I spent thirteen hours making the journey from Eastern to Western Washington one Memorial Day weekend. With the advent of the Internet and home DVD delivery, there’s very little that can convince me to leave the house at all, much less on a heavier-than-already-shitty-normal-traffic weekend.

And yet I managed to get myself talked into attending a barbecue this weekend. In Everett. About fifty miles north of here. By freeway. I’m a chump.

3 Responses to “Holiday Traffic”

  1. Scot Says:

    Would you like some cheese with your whine? It’s on Sunday. Traffic won’t be bad. You could take Highway 99 to Everett. But that is another form of Trauma.

  2. Uncle Andrew Says:

    My whine is inherently cheesy, no need to adulterate it further. 😉

    It’s Interstate 5, ferchrissake; I-5 can suck ass at three in the morning on a Tuesday. 99 might actually be faster. And if traffic got too bad we could pick up some hookers!

  3. Scot Says:

    Have you ever been on 99 on a Friday evening headed to Everett? Ugly. And way too many lights. Have you ever been on I-5 at three in the morning on a Tuesday? And have you ever seen the hookers? Beaten with an ugly stick comes to mind.

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