
Film At Eleven

Uncle AndrewUncle Andrew
Filed under: @ 9:03 am

When you drop by Uncle Andrew Dot Net this summer, please take a moment to visit BirdieCam. We have a batch of immature flickers frequenting our suet feeder who have yet to master the art of hanging upside down from the Starling-resistent suet basket:


The result, until they get the hang of it, is many spirited but amusing attempts. A fun way to kill ten or so minutes at work. 😉

5 Responses to “Film At Eleven”

  1. Dalek Says:

    No birds, alas, but I did spot a red-headed Roo at 2:51 p.m. today… 😉

  2. Uncle Andrew Says:

    Hope we wasn’t hanging off teh suet feeder. 😯

  3. Dalek Says:

    No, no suet feeding; he was just bucolically wandering around the garden. Apparently Margaret isn’t stocking the feeders with Roo food (yet). 😉

  4. Dalek Says:

    And at last, a flicker! Very amusing indeed. I was starting to think there weren’t any birdies to be seen on BirdieCam…

  5. Uncle Andrew Says:

    Bout time! I had to glue the little bastard in place just for you…. 😀

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