Okay, what the hell?
MargaretSo I was presented a cat on Monday for annual exam and vaccines. The cat isn’t particularly nice so I was hoping to get through my exam without needing to do anything major to the cat.
Except…. 😯
Except there’s a lump.
A rather large lump.
A rather large, hard, nodular abdominal lump in a cat that really isn’t a very nice cat at all.
Oh shit.
So I asked the owner if the cat had been behaving oddly in any way — how has her appetite been? Is she drinking and eliminating normally? Is the cat playing normally with her brother?
Everything checks out. Cat’s been perfectly fine.
Ah… hunh.
Okay, so your three year old perfectly healthy cat has this big ass abdominal mass and she’s not very nice and I need to take x-rays of her right now.
And so, here presented are the photos that I took of the radiographs. The first one is the cat lying on her left side with her head to your right.
This second is the cat lying on her back with her head towards (in your view) the ceiling.
Susan and Will probably will have some sort of idea of what was wrong with the cat and Matt probably has a pretty good idea. For the rest of you I’m going to have you goggle at the photos and try and guess.
Oh, and for what it’s worth, we did manage to get the radiographs taken without anyone losing any blood. Whether or not any blood was lost in the rest of the cat’s care I can’t say……. But at least she’s feeling better now.
4 Responses to “Okay, what the hell?”
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February 5th, 2011 at 9:46 am
I’ve no experience with reading xrays at all,but the texture of the lump suggests a tangled mass of something. An enormous hairball?
February 5th, 2011 at 9:48 am
February 5th, 2011 at 1:16 pm
Some kine chord for some kine electronic thingamajig?
February 9th, 2011 at 9:59 am
OMG. Yeah, I think I can guess.