
My Inner Child is Still Grinning Like an Idiot

Uncle AndrewUncle Andrew
Filed under: @ 10:46 am

Went over to our friends’ house on Sunday for some food and fun. Said fun mostly took the form of a room full of old coin-op video games that Gary has lovingly reconditioned. Standing transfixed in that claustrophobic little room on the upper floor of a nice house in a burgeoning community in the 42nd state of a large-ish country on a northern landmass of the third planet of a rather nondescript solar system in an outer spiral arm of a medium-sized galaxy in this here universe, I was magically transported back to my salad days in the early ’80s….a time when, ironically, I had little if anything to do with salad. At Cosmic Encounters, The Fun Machine, or the whole penthouse floor of the Mitsukoshi Building in downtown Waikiki, many an hour and many a gross of quarters were spent losing myself in the flashing pixels and otherworldly beeps, boops and buzzes of those state-of-the-art electronic coin vacuums. I could practically taste the heady combination of Susy Qs and Coca-Cola coating my tongue and etching holes in my teeth.

Here’s a quick tour of the facility.

[flv width=”720″ height=”480″]http://www.uncle-andrew.net/blog/pics/mctaggarcade.flv[/flv]

5 Responses to “My Inner Child is Still Grinning Like an Idiot”

  1. Mike Says:

    Star Castle and Defender. 😯

  2. Uncle Andrew Says:

    And in the back corner, Asteroids Deluxe. Gary had lots more boards than he had machines to put them in, so the Double Dragon machine in the foreground was also acting as a Robotron, Joust, Donkey King and Donkey Kong Junior game. Tried my old ladder cheat on the Donkey Kong but his board was made after they fixed that bug. That was just awesome!

  3. Feeney Says:

    You know what I loved in the 80s? Reading Wild Willie and cooking soup! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w95mZ_3jElg

  4. Uncle Andrew Says:

    Oh, you bastard. 😆

  5. Caitlin Slattery Says:

    I can totally imagine Uncle Andrew’s inner child spinning around on a desk chair going, “WheeHEEHEEHaHAOHHOHO”-KRASHBLAM-“hee”.

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