
Life is Hard….

Uncle AndrewUncle Andrew
Filed under: @ 11:21 am

Sure, I’d rather not get up at five in the morning to drive Margaret to the Hawaii Convention Center for a day of lectures, but if I must, at least I’m actually doing it in Hawaii, where I can stop at the Olomana Lookout and get an early morning shot of my home town:


Also, I got to stop in at Leonard’s Bakery in Kapahulu for some malasadas. Might as well get some extra pounds for all my trouble. 😀

6 Responses to “Life is Hard….”

  1. mike Haring Says:

    Gawddammit give me a call when u get into town Shrek!!!!!


  2. Val Says:

    Aw man! First the UK, now HI. You’re just a travellin’ fool!

  3. Dalek Says:

    I’m with Val. This mere mortal working schlep is terribly jealous of all your glamorous travel. :-p

  4. Gavin Says:

    So that’s what folks without kids do with their money, enjoy it!

  5. Uncle Andrew Says:

    Hey Mike, sorry, we were only in town for a few days and I had my hands full with family computer shit when I wasn’t driving Margaret to and from the Convention Center. Never even got to get over my jet lag. 🙁

    “Shrek”? That’s cold, Man. 😀

  6. Uncle Andrew Says:

    Amen, Gavin, amen. 😀

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