
Even Happier Fourth

Uncle AndrewUncle Andrew
Filed under: @ 11:46 am

You know how, every once in a while, you come up with just the perfect retort to something someone says to you, and no one you know is there to hear it? Well, welcome to reason #12 why I started a blog.

I zipped out this afternoon to pick up just a few more fireworks. (Margaret mentioned offhandedly that people at work had expressed total delight at the idea of shooting down parachute fireworks with Roman candles, and dammit I didn’t buy any parachutes!) While I was out I stopped in at the nearby Starbucks to burn off some of the $20 gift card that a friend’s Dad had generously given me as a thank-you for salvaging the data on his ailing-and-failing computer. While I was waiting for my order, I mentioned to the java jockey behind the counter that I was out buying (still more) fireworks. The lady at the counter paused in the middle of handing a five-dollar bill to the cashier for her venti Frappucino, turned to me and, brandishing the fiver in my face, said with a sneer, “Why don’t you just burn up a few of these instead?”

To which I promptly replied, “….says the woman buying a five dollar cup of coffee.” 😛

7 Responses to “Even Happier Fourth”

  1. Gavin Says:


  2. Scot Says:

    And last year when I was trying to shoot down parachutes with roman candles, half the people there thought I was crazy.

  3. Uncle Andrew Says:

    You should have seen it, Scot; we had four people holding eight candles firing on a seven-shot parachute fountain. It was awesome. 😉

  4. Dalek Says:

    It was indeed. Thanks for hosting such a fabulous party! We had a great time. We don’t see you often enough!

  5. Shawn Says:

    Next year I’m going to shoot Diet Coke from my nasal cannons at those pesky parachute troops. Your puny gunpowder sticks will be paled in the manly bask of my MENTOS GLOW!

  6. Uncle Andrew Says:

    I’m really, really sorry that we didn’t get a picture of you geysering Diet Coke from your nostrils. The closest we got was this:

  7. Shawn Says:

    Looks like a Spike tv ad.

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