
“Dear 60 Minutes….”

Uncle AndrewUncle Andrew
Filed under: @ 7:36 am

Truly an ensemble performance for the Sunday, December 5 show, gang. One third of the program dedicated to an interview with the chairman of the Federal Reserve about the flagging US economy, the remaining two thirds spent on an interview with the founder of Facebook. Nice to see that CBS News has its priorities straight. 🙄

2 Responses to ““Dear 60 Minutes….””

  1. YakBoy Says:

    I have all but given up on TV news. I flipped on CNN a while back and watched long enough to catch the last half of a story about Bristol Palin being on Dancing With the Stars and the first half of a story about the upcoming wedding of Prince William to whateverhernameis before I gave up.


  2. Uncle Andrew Says:

    We occasionally watch the first ten minutes of local TV news, and of course we listen to NPR slavishly. But 60 Minutes often provides a decently in-depth look at important subjects, which is something you rarely get with any other network news program. This was not one of those times.

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