Cue Spit Take….Aaaannnnnd….ACTION
Uncle AndrewNow personally, I hates me some Oscars. I may or may not take some of my movie-viewing cues from what people I’ve never met in my life have to say about a given flick, but I have zero tolerance for the pimp and circumstance of Hollywood award shows. Overcelebrated people gathering together to further overcelebrate themselves—huzzah!
But even with fewer than half a dozen Oscar ceremonies under my belt, this little scrap of genius, sent to me today by Shawn, seemed to me to hit it right on the mark. View and enjoy. 😀
2 Responses to “Cue Spit Take….Aaaannnnnd….ACTION”
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March 9th, 2010 at 3:53 pm
Insightful Comment.
Humorous Observation!
Irrelevant rambling…
March 9th, 2010 at 4:59 pm
Oh touché, you mutt. 😆