
Singularly Swift Condiment

Filed under: @ 9:58 am

Serious bonus points to those who can translate my words into the actual title of this post.

There may even be a booby prize but I’ve used that one once.


I’m working five days a week which cuts into my blogging time especially since I’m currently working swings (11 a – 7 p) which seriously sucks, but at least allows me to walk in the mornings (some days when I can get myself motivated) and also get a soak in the hot tub.
What it does NOT do is allow me to do things like -oh- go to Costco during the week which means that our Costco runs are limited to *shudder* weekends, or get laundry done in the evenings. Or get any afternoon gardening done, or do the bills in the afternoons, or, or, or.
I am not sure how two people working full time are supposed to maintain a house when both are working five days a week and still have any time on the weekends to do things like interact with friends and family, or do such things like RELAX. I may be spoiled, but I’ve always considered the way Andrew and I live our lives as a fairly organized interaction, but I can NOT figure out this schedule at all. My weekends seem to be a rush of activity and then it’s Monday again. Maybe those of you who haven’t had my odd schedule can comment, but how do you do this?
And it’s gonna get worse. I mean, granted I’m only working swings every other month and it IS coming up on spring and the days are going to be long enough that I can get out in the evenings and get some garden work done at least, but….
It’s coming up on spring and the amount of garden work is going to triple, quadruple, octuple. Even with the garden weekends that Susan and I have planned over the next two months or so, the garden is going to run me over. I’m thinking seriously about taking prep courses so I can sit for my ABVP boards either this winter or next spring, and, whatever sort of weird loon that I am, I’ve signed up to walk again. Anyone wanna come with me this September? I’ve got a hairy lot of walking to do between now and then. Maybe I can get some of my ABVP texts on disc so I can iPod them while I’m walking.

So back to the aforementioned condiment.
The clematis is in full bloom. The hyacinths are popping and the daffodils are up. The lillies are poking their noses up out of the ground, my brainless peonies are almost grown out of their cloches so if they freeze their silly little tips off it’s their own damn fault. Nuccio’s Pearl is in full bloom, and as soon as my pelleted peat pots are fully expanded I’ll have peas started in John Coldframe which Susan and I, in our first garden frenzy of the spring, got put together last weekend.
Andrew came up with a vicious cold last weekend and spent much of his time snerfling and/or up to the eyebrows in Advil Cold & Sinus, taking a major break on Saturday to help Shawn take about a thousand photos of Anastasia and I dissecting Anastasia’s first frog in the driveway. She’s got this upcoming school science fair thingie so I volunteered to talk her through the test frog so that she can be *really impressive* with the second frog for the actual fair. Kid’s got talent, I can tell you that. And a fantastic sense of delight at the inner workings of living (or formerly living) things. I was grossed out by some of it, but Anastasia thought it was pure D cool. She didn’t even mind the smell, which she described as “It smells kind of like pudding!” (really, REALLY don’t want to know what her mother is feeding her if a formaldehyde frog smells like pudding to her, but regardless). I’ll post photos at some point.
The other cool thing that’s been happening ’round here is that Andrew has taken up with a local charity and is refurbishing semi-obsolete computers. I’ll let him fill in the details, but he is absolutely thrilled with being able to take what most people see as dusty junk and have it be a thrill for someone.

No further condiments at this point, I’ve got to get this cat off my lap and go shower so I can get to work.
Weird damn shifts. Mother chocolating economy, get better dammit. I want a third doctor back at my practice so I can have an off day during the week to get my chores done like a normal person.

3 Responses to “Singularly Swift Condiment”

  1. Dalek Says:

    “Maybe those of you who haven’t had my odd schedule can comment, but how do you do this?”

    It’s simple. We don’t know what this word “RELAX” means. What is this strange term, and what is it for? Whatever it is, I’m sure that it’s SOOOOOO last millenium. 😉

    (I said it was simple. I didn’t say it was EASY. Not having enough time to get everything done, much less have down time, is the single worst plague of modern life in the 21st century, IMHO.)

    As for the title of your post, given your blog entry, I assume that it’s “Fast Ketchup” – or fast catch-up. But I never was any good at word games, as you well know.

  2. Dalek Says:

    Upon further consideration, you probably meant “quick catchup” and not fast. :mrgreen:

  3. Valerie Says:

    Dang! Too late with the “Quick Ketchup”…. Story of my life.

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