
It Finally Happened….

Uncle AndrewUncle Andrew
Filed under: @ 11:04 pm

At 10:31 this evening, someone from Bronson, Michigan or thereabouts, made it to a particular post on my blog from a search on Yahoo.

The phrase this person entered?

Why, “Erin Esurance nude”, of course.

I’m the happiest boy in the world. 😀

Date/Time: $serverTime
IP Address: $ip
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Referred Via: $referrederin
Browser: $browser



2 Responses to “It Finally Happened….”

  1. Gavin Says:

    Now if you had only persued your art carreer you could have provided him some samples. : D

  2. Uncle Andrew Says:

    You know, I was stunned that a cursory Google Image Search produced no Erin Esurance pr0n. Any cartoon character that attracts a fan base invariably ends up with a few pieces of louche fan art. Perhaps it’s too soon.

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