

Uncle AndrewUncle Andrew
Filed under: @ 8:52 pm

If you can read this, you are visiting Uncle Andrew Dot Net at its brand-new home on the Interweb, some twenty inches or so from the previous one. Let me know if y’all have any troubles with it and I’ll try to track them down.

8 Responses to “Testing….Testing….”

  1. YakBoy Says:

    Moving the extra 20 inches really slowed the download speed. Also you may want to try moving it a little to the left so your formatting is all lined up again.

  2. Uncle Andrew Says:

    You’d better be kidding, motherfucker. 😯

  3. Joe Says:

    When I am accessing your site I often use http://www.uncle-andrew.net/blog/index. When I tried that this time I got a link to your splash page. Not that typing .php at the end of that url adds any great typing strain but that is one difference I notice.

  4. Uncle Andrew Says:

    Hey Joe,

    You should be able to just type http://www.uncle-andrew.net/blog/ and save yourself even more time and RSIs 😉

    Lots and lots of differences between maintaining a Web site on a *NIX box and an XP/IIS one, including how URLs are handled.

    Out of curiosity, could you test my 404 page? Type in any URL you know ain’t there, like http://www.uncle-andrew.net/snoogies.html and tell me if the giraffe picture is a broken link. I’m not sure I have that all sewn up.

  5. Gavin Says:

    Well, the giraffe still works. print.css is not found and you might consider compressing irony09.jpg and jackson-pollack.jpg to see if you can get them under 30K. Does this mean you have moved to an XP box for hosting, and if so why??? Ok, so it was the next step up on the evolutionary scale of hand-me-down computers you have laying around.

  6. Uncle Andrew Says:

    print.css is not found and you might consider compressing irony09.jpg and jackson-pollack.jpg to see if you can get them under 30K.

    I’ve never had a print Cascading Style Sheet. Don’t see the point, really. As for the JPEGs….what are you doing, auditing my bandwidth use or something? 😀

    I decided to move over to an XP box because I was running two separate servers: one for my blog and one for Unreal Tournament, because UT Server doesn’t work in OS X (and my poor little PowerBook Web server was up against its performance ceiling already). I had a copy of XP Pro lying around, and for about three hundred clams I built a PC with a Sempron 1900, a gig of RAM and a RAID-1 array that could run my blog, my UT server and my security camera network. Can’t hardly beat that.

    I gotta say, IIS really makes building and customizing Web sites quite easy. Protecting them is another matter: I’m still learning all the tricks for locking down an XP Web server.

  7. Gavin Says:

    “I’ve never had a print Cascading Style Sheet.”
    Then you might consider removing the link from your page. I figured since you were doing some house keeping… As for locking down a XP web server all I can say is learn fast and have multiple good firewalls.

  8. Uncle Andrew Says:

    Then you might consider removing the link from your page.

    Yeah, I’ll jump right on that. 😉

    I’ve got three friends who are deep in Windows server security to consult with, so I think I’m going to be okay.

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