
Homeland Security Stress Disorder

Uncle AndrewUncle Andrew
Filed under: @ 8:00 am

While putting together Wednesday’s post about Cindy Sheehan, I jumped onto Google Maps to refresh my recollections about the layout of the White House. I entered “1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, Washington, DC” into the search window, zoomed in to minimum elevation, and—just for fun—I used the “hybrid” option to superimpose Google’s map over a recent satellite image of the area. I checked my facts regarding the position of streets and other features, closed the browser window, and went about my business.

It was only this morning that I stopped to consider whether I may now have some FBI or Homeland Security ‘bot following me around the Web, waiting for me to pass my information along to my righteous brethren.

I’m going to go check my access logs. If you don’t hear from me in three days, somebody please call my parents. 😯

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