
This Just, Um, “In”….

Uncle AndrewUncle Andrew
Filed under: @ 11:36 am

Eighteen minutes ago, someone from the UK reached my blog by following a link from Yahoo! Search.

Their search was for “M&M HIGH ENEMA”.

Just goes to show that search engine technology could use further refinement.

5 Responses to “This Just, Um, “In”….”

  1. TriciaSB Says:

    I think my brain just imploded.

    Which page of your site did this lead them to?

  2. Uncle Andrew Says:


    Just a wierd coincidence….a really, really wierd one. The words “M&M” and “enema” do appear in that post.

  3. Joe Says:

    Oh please Honey (by Honey I mean TriciaSB, thank you),

    It’s not like we haven’t seen strange quarries leading to your site. As I recall yours came in near the top on Google searches like “dwarf+ass”.

  4. Uncle Andrew Says:

    An update: I decided to recreate the actual search at Yahoo!, and found many references to a “Milk and Molasses” enema/douche that is apparently popular in some….oh, God….I almost said, “in some circles”. 😯

  5. TriciaSB Says:

    “It’s not like we haven’t seen strange queries leading to your site. As I recall yours came in near the top on Google searches like “dwarf+ass”.

    (For those not familiar with my site, I have a D&D essay called “My Dwarf Kicks Ass.”)

    Mock me if you will, but I see a significant difference between wanting to see a dwarf’s butt and wondering how to put M&Ms up one’s butt. At this point, I’m not surprised by a request to see anything naked, but using chocolate in that way is JUST PLAIN WRONG.

    Putting milk and molasses up one’s butt is strange, but at least I’m no longer picturing those M&M characters screaming for mercy.

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