
Here I Go Again On My Own

Filed under: @ 6:34 pm

My fourth 3 Day is a little over a month away.
I’ve got two pairs of well broken in walking shoes. I’ve got six pairs of quick drying, heavily cushioned, wicking walking socks. I’ve got high support, wicking sports bras (three crop top, three tank top to be chosen depending on the weather), I’ve got three pairs of elastic waisted, wicking spandex running shorts (the wise wear running shorts as underwear to avoid chafing) as well as three pairs of quick dry elastic waisted over-shorts (I’ve lost some weight in the past three months but not so much that I’m going to parade about in public for three days in spandex). I’ve got light weight, vented, convertible long to short sleeve over shirts. I’ve got sunscreen, a hat, camera, bandannas, bug repellant, sleeping bag, camp mattress, my own blister kit, a folding camp chair…

What I’ve not got is an idea for a t-shirt.

Understand that a t-shirt isn’t a vital part of my equipment, god knows I’ve got plenty of 3 Day related shirts to wear, including last year’s blockbuster which engendered some of the more entertaining conversations I’ve ever had in my life.
But a team t-shirt, even for a team of only one is tradition. And it’s fun. Especially since I know the graphics designer pretty well and we can tart up the shirt as much as the situation, and inspiration, demands.

So any help from any or all of you readers would certainly be welcome. I’m sticking with the “Team Ecccentrica” name, even as a solo walker, mostly because I have yet to have anyone catch on to the Hitchhiker’s reference without prompting and I’m interested in whether or not anyone will.

On a less frivolous note, I know I said it last year and I’ll most likely say it again, and again, and again this year and next year and however many years I end up doing this, but this is a remarkable experience for anyone who cares to participate in it. I’m not, in any way, shape, or form, suggesting that any of you sign up for this year. If you’ve not been doing some pretty serious walking on your own, starting to train a month in advance and expecting that you’ll be able to walk 60 miles without literally terminal muscle cramps and blisters, is foolish.
But if anyone would care to join me in a difficult, painful, and remarkable spiritual journey next year, I’m already planning on doing it again.

I can’t imagine why I keep doing this to myself.

Oh and for those of you who are local and who might wish to show up, I’ll post a list of the cheering stations and times for opening (it’s at 6 a.m. at Bellevue Community College on the 12th of September, don’t bother) and closing ceremonies as soon as I have them.
I promise not to do anything unfortunate to my knees this year.

Donations cheerfully accepted here.

5 Responses to “Here I Go Again On My Own”

  1. Gavin Says:

    As a ‘you might already know this, but…’ knee-high nylons under your socks go along way in the blister prevention department. A little trick I picked up in basic training. Yes, when you see those guys marching by in uniforms and boots, it’s very possible they are wearing knee-highs underneath. Amusing no?

  2. Tony Lenzer Says:

    Dear Margaret…. somehere on the t-shirt you might put “Mother of twins” and then photos of the kitlet babies, and the snake pair, Thiss should give other walkers a laff nd lift.
    We willof course donateto your (and mine and all women) cause, but will send the check to you as I could not begin tofollow tthe Email address. Our ;ove to you and the Lad.. and we admire your bravery and dedication…love Joan.

  3. Uncle Andrew Says:

    Yes, when you see those guys marching by in uniforms and boots, it’s very possible they are wearing knee-highs underneath.

    I dunno Man; are you sure your fellow recruits weren’t just playing a little practical joke on you? Did they tell you the same thing about the silk camisole? πŸ˜€

  4. Dalek Says:

    Perhaps I’ll join you again next year. Until then, I’ll cheerfully donate to the cause.

    And yes, I definitely need to schedule a visit to meet the kittens (and see you two of course). Too bad I won’t see you tomorrow, Margaret – but hopefully sometime soon. What’s your upcoming weekend look like?

  5. Dalek Says:

    Oh, and I have a t-shirt idea inspired by your parrot/badger conversation from last year. Trust me. πŸ˜‰

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