Uncle AndrewRain. Rain, rain, rain, rain.
Gentle sheets of mist-like droplets settling on the leaves of rhododendrons, to collect and pool and drip off the downturned points in a muffled patter.
Heavier drops striking the asphalt with a crisp platting sound, the impacts so closely timed they make almost a hissing, a white noise backdrop to the morning birdsong.
Raindrops beating a random, metallic tattoo on the exhaust hood for our stove, the sound making its way down the long conduit to the kitchen, distant and present at the same time.
Mmmm, rain.
Let’s hope we get about six more weeks of this.
March 29th, 2005 at 1:39 am
It is not the rain that makes the weather unpleasant – it is the wind. When I go out running I am like a furnace so that by the time I finish I am usually soaked with sweat anyway, rain affects that outcome very little.
The wind is something else. A gust will drain the heat out of sodden clothing and send knives of cold into my legs and torso. Running around Greenlake can be especially bad. The wind gains strength over its uninterrupted surface while dumping any warmth it may have contained into the water.
So, anybody up for a run?
March 29th, 2005 at 8:57 am
I noticed a similar problem when getting out of the hot tub this morning. Thirty minutes’ worth of therapeutic benefit was stripped away in five seconds of banshee wind as I made my way from the tub to my robe. I’m thinking of building an insulated tunnel from the tub into the house.