
God Damn You, JC Penny….

Uncle AndrewUncle Andrew
Filed under: @ 9:03 am

I suppose that if I had actually liked The Breakfast Club, I would be even more resentful about this. As it is, this just makes me feel really, really old. Ancient. Archaic, even.

Fuckin’ JC Penny….get offa my lawn!

7 Responses to “God Damn You, JC Penny….”

  1. Dalek Says:

    Dear gods. That’s genuinely nauseating – and I say that as someone who never saw the Breakfast Club until required to in grad school (yes, really). 😯

    Of course, I’m even more frightened by the fact that I remember the Breakfast Club well enough to look at those chipper clean-cut clothesmodelchildren and think “well gee, none of these Barbie-and-Ken dolls are grungy or goth enough to be a Bender or an Allison; they’re just not represented here. And what’s the point of making a Breakfast-Club-ripoff commercial if you’re leaving out two of the five characters and only going with homogenous, mix-and-match clones?” And then I have to wonder why the heck I’m cluttering up brain cells with memories of the Breakfast Club, much less analyzing a Penny’s commercial. Damn you, Roo, damn you! 😉

  2. Uncle Andrew Says:

    Grad school? Now that’s a story I think would be worth repeating. :mrgreen:

    Yeah, the careful paring down of the characters to fit in the acceptable context of a tweener clothing ad was disturbing, to say the least. In addition to missing characters—and props; where’s the cannabis?—there are the noxious add-ons. A fucking chihuahua?? Thanks for throwing a little Paris Hilton in there, JCP! 😡

    I think the thing that really struck a sour note with me was the knowledge that I am know officially old enough to have the signature events of my generation recontextualized by advertisers and thrown back in my face in order to get me to spend money….on my (gulp) KIDS, no less.

    *Whew* hands shaking….gotta go smoke a bowl of Metamucil or something….

  3. YakBoy Says:

    Saw this in the movie theater as one of the pre-show advertisements and it caused a little piece of my soul to die.

  4. david Says:


  5. Gavin Says:

    At least nobody has tried to do a remake of the movie.

  6. Uncle Andrew Says:

    At least nobody has tried to do a remake of the movie.

    Ye Gods, Man, keep it down! Don’t give them any ideas. ❗

  7. Uncle Andrew Says:

    Saw this in the movie theater as one of the pre-show advertisements and it caused a little piece of my soul to die.

    That’s grounds for walking out and demanding your money back right there.

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