MargaretThings still seem to be going well.
Which is to say that Andrew has a moderate seroma at the primary incision site that is driving him crazy and keeping him from being comfortable when he sleeps so when we’re not driving back and forth from Swedish he spends a lot of time snoozing with a cat on his lap.
Pogo is learning that other people have laps besides just me and that other peoples’ laps are also good places to get all boneless and hot.
And since the appropriate treatment for a seroma is to provide intermittent heat and occasional gentle pressure over the area Pogo is providing valuable therapeutic effect as well as company. I wonder if I could deduct him as a medical expense.
In between keeping house — laundry is done, kitchen is mostly clean and I even started to clean out the refrigerator….(don’t look at the floors) — and acting as chauffeuse I’m getting a lot of gardening done. One of these days I’m going to (GASP) attempt to reorganize the garage so you don’t have to walk through a maze to get to the door.
Or not. I don’t know what I’ll have the inclination to do.
I’ve said before that I realize this Andrew-recovery period won’t be all drinking tea and playing Parcheesi, but I am enjoying the enforced time off. I haven’t had this much not-working time since -oh- the summer of 1985 or so
And if it ends with me having a clean refrigerator and an organized garage or if it ends with me having watched the entire 3rd season of Stranger Things (superb writing this season BTW) while knitting kittens it is of no moment.
Andrew is getting better and I’m getting the opportunity to do things that I’m simply too tired or too busy to get done otherwise.
But seriously. Don’t look at the floors.