More reasons why my garden makes me happy……
MargaretI mean, I know I must have planted these poppies, but I don’t remember it at all. Aren’t they wonderful?
SSSSNNNNFFFFTTTKKKK! Aaaah! Lily season is almost better than hyacinth season. More convenient, certainly, since the lilies stand 3-4 feet high and even the most exuberant hyacinth only hits 10 inches or so. I wish we had smell-o-vision attached to the blog.
For those without the reference, yes, that is a curcurbit vine (I believe a pumpkin) growing out of the access hatch of my worm bin.
And that? Well that’s just kinda everything. Beans and lavender and dahlias and more beans and gooseberries and loganberries and pumpkins and more beans and the hummingbird dive bombing me to get me away from the beans (and making goo goo eyes at the bright orange camera) and…..
And then there’s
Well, bees and butterflies.
You can sit in my garden, front or back, and if it’s quiet you can hear the garden buzzing. I like to think we’re doing our part to help prevent colony collapse. Maybe I’ll get into bee keeping one of these days. I love the idea of harvesting my own honey.
It’s by no means a tidy, well demarcated garden. But it smells good. And it’s full of bees and butterflies and grasshoppers and crickets and huge fat earthworms. And the hummingbirds like me.
Come on over and check it out.