nnnnnnngggggGGGGGGhhhh! Part *Two*
MargaretSo with overwhelming optimism I asked the oral surgeon if there was any way I could get my surgery scheduled for some time earlier in the day than three freakin’ p.m.
There was not.
Which means that as of 0900 today (I’m starting this on the 31st, who knows when it’ll be finished) I’m not allowed to eat, drink, or think about anything other than getting this effin’ over with.
It’s hard to play Scrabble when all you can think about is your teeth.
It’s hard to play any other sort of computer game with a boneless kitten in my lap. Pogo may have to suffer the slings and arrows of having something more than just my fingers move so I can distract myself by playing some stupid shooting game.
I can’t go out and garden because I can’t get hot and sweaty because I can’t drink. I can’t go out for a walk because I can’t get hungry because I can’t eat. I’m not certain about knitting, I can generally only knit when the kittens are quite sleepy because otherwise I have too much help. Maybe I’ll pop in a DVD and start watching Harry Potter or Monty Python or something. I’ll still need to find something to do with my fingers or I’ll chew my nails back to the metacarpals though.
In a fit of overwhelming optimism the oral surgeon asked me if the extraction(s) (they’re still not sure whether or not it’ll be one tooth or two) is something that I’d like to attempt with just a local. 😯
Um, NO!
It’s only 9:15. I may just cheat and go snork down a Xanax and go back to bed.
I’ll try not to drool the next time I update this.