All pau!
It’s done, it’s all FREAKIN’ done!
The remodeling process that started in February with the sewer guys digging holes in the driveway has finally, FINALLY been thoroughly and absolutely completed. Sheri finished the raised beds and the mulch last Monday, I built the retaining wall around the lithadora bed on Saturday and finished transplanting the last two plants that had been in pots this afternoon.
The sewer is connected, the garage has been patched, Andrew’s office is done, the laundry and downstairs shower are functional, we’ve got lovely shelves in the living room, the upstairs bathroom is no longer a nightmare of maroon and pink, my study and the laundry room are painted, and the front garden….
Well, you’ll just have to see the photos.
We even have managed to get rid of the toilet and sink that have been living in the garage for the last five months. It’s quite liberating.
And I never want to do it again!