Bad Time for Blogging
Uncle AndrewIn addition to my back problems, I for reasons unclear to all present have also decided to upgrade my PC so that I can play bigger and better games. That turned into a bit of a nightmare for a while, lemmetellyou. So blogging has taken a back seat. But I did want to get one thought down.
We were watching Iron Chef again last night (yeah yeah, I know; two Iron Chef posts in a week. But this is pretty good). The challenger was the first chef in Japan to prepare authentic Mexican cuisine. He lost to—ironically enough, given my last Iron Chef post—Iron Chef Italian, aka The Beaver. the theme ingredient was mangoes. How the premier Mexican chef in Japan lost to an Italian chef with a Mexican fruit as the theme ingredient I will never understand.
But here’s the amusing bit. The challenger’s name was Yosei Watanabe. “Yosei”. José. Five minutes into the program we were referring to him as “José Wannabe”. You gotta wonder: was this guy just destined to be a Mexican chef, or did he change his name after he found his vocation?