Cigars for Everyone!

Meet the newest member of our little dysfunctional computer family, and the chewy center of my blogging universe: Ichabod, the Headless PowerBook.
This little feller started life as my boss’ main work computer, until a freak accident (well, it was an accident, and a freak was involved, let’s just leave it at that) left it with a Hibachi’ed screen. It went into my computer graveyard for a few months until I took to it with a screwdriver and removed the now-useless top half. I lent it to some friends for use as an email computer for a few years, until recently when I decided to take a shot at using it as my Web server.
Technically, this computer is not compatible with OS X, but really the only thing that’s missing from it is the built-in USB ports, so I went ahead and used a godsend of a program called XPostFacto, which got it installed and running in, well, not no time, but not not no time, neither.
The only potential catch is the relatively low horsepower. Basically, this thing is the equivalent of a first-generation iMac. While it runs the OSX GUI—and all the attendant eye-candy—at a pace slightly less than “blistering”, the UNIX underpinnings should run at a decent clip, including the MySQL database needed to run a blog. And really, let’s not kid ourselves; it’s probably a red-letter day when three people access this site at one time.
So if ‘yall would do me a favor, leave a comment let me know how our new little bundle of joy is doing at its task, be it sprightly or sludgy. Mahalo Nui Loa!